“...two types of minds for whom it is quite unsuitable.”
This startled me. I had forgotten that D said this. If I remember right, D in the Meditations, certainly, thinks everyone should run through the 6 for themselves, and even in the preamble to the Discourse says as much—doesn’t he think that all minds can and should go through the stripping of beliefs through rigorous doubt? Maybe he’s trying to make a (negative) comment about those whose minds are closed, or overly clever, or whatever the problems are supposed to be. Actually, it sounds a little political in that way.
Category Theory 2025
2 days ago
It is interesting he says that because after he tells us about the two different types of people, he then says he would have put himself in one of these groups if he hadn't had ventured on to his way of thinking. I almost think he is saying there could be some way of getting out of these two groups because he found a way to.
I do agree with you on making a negative comment though. He almost is criticizing people in these categories.
Ok sorry that this isnt really in relation to ur post but i thought you'd really like it
I think that this statement that some people should not come to the realization of REAL truth is very strange. Throughout the Discourse, Descartes states how important to advancement it is to strip oneself of the conventional knowledge and find things out for themselves and yet some how certain people aren't "cut out for" or shouldn't get the priviledge to do so.
However, at the same time I think Descartes is trying to protect his fellow truth seekers because he wants people who find the truth and to share it. If people who are to hasty to jump to conclusions were to broadcast their findings and rather than it being truth, it is merely their first thought, this could be distructive to the advancement of knowledge especially if people were to treat it as true. (for example, when people stated that the earth was flat because they didn't KNOW it to be true but just said it was and all others accepted it.)
I see where Descartes is trying to go with this about there only being a number of different types of people in the world. i think that there are two types of people in the world but they are a few people who are in a world of there own if you know what I mean. And these people would be the exception to the two types of people. If you really think about it most people think they same way as one another. You have people who know the right and wrong thing to do and do to do the right thing then you have the people who know right from wrong but still choose to do the wrong thing. But the question is why? Why do people chose to do the wrong things?
I think what Descartes is trying to say here, is that yes- there are two kinds of minds that should NEVER strip themselves of what they so have to this point believed in, their own minds, in order to go into thoughts of something new or unknown. The first he says is basically one who would just get too distracted and caught up with what they believe and just keep going with it, being oblivious of the things that are already known and constant. Not so much of an overly clever mind as you - professor have thought of, but an ignorant mind in my opinion. And the second I agree is a "closed mind" as they so-call-it.
As strange as this may seem, I agree with Descartes here. If you have either of those mind types it would just not be wise to go venture out and try to discover more than what is already out there. Nothing good, or should I say productive would come of this.
I do not think Descartes is trying to put his mind in one of these categories.He says,"My plan has never gone beyond trying to reform my own thoughts and building upon a foundation which is completely my own." I feel that in that sentence he saying his mind is in a different kind of category. Besides the type one and two. But he doesn't mention anything about what kind of category or type his mind may be.
I find it funny that he says he would have put himself in the 2nd type of mind...(keyword would've)so what I am trying to figure out is if theres only two types of minds..where does that put him..Does he feel he is better than those two types of minds..(if so he is being judgemental);in between or where ever else he can be placed.
When Descartes revealed how he believed that there were two different types of minds, I felt as though he was more or less trying to categorize people as a whole to try and justify why we are the way we are.
schultz--thanks for the descartes cartoon--where did you find that? i see godaddy.com in the fine print. clever.
I have to agree with you Professor. I feel that Descarte is trying to send a hidden message about minds that are either not open to new ideas and minds that believe they know everything.
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